Monday 28 July 2014

Get Two Weeks Free Trial of a Filtration Water Cooler in Boise

Environmental concerns in recent years have emphasized the importance of clean water in improving a community’s quality of life. However, the issues of drinking out of bottled water are also a cause for alarm. That’s where we come in. To demonstrate drinking water at its purest, Quality Water Plus (QH2O), one of the premiere Boise water cooler providers, is offering a two-week FREE trial of our water filtration cooler. If you like what you get, you can sign up for installation and we’ll install your system for free! We’ll also give you a 10% discount for the first 12 months so you can enjoy quality water for less. The entire promo is open until September 30, 2014.

Saturday 26 July 2014

Why Having a Water Bottle is Better than Using Bottled Water in Boise

The admirable intention and action of the students of University of Wisconsin–Whitewater should serve as an example for residents who use bottled water in Boise for drinking. Although the university’s student population is only around 11,000, their numbers are enough to set off little changes of practices in their homes, workplaces, and other locations where they can influence other people. The Take Back the Tap campaign prevalent in campuses today raises awareness of the serious implications of using bottled water. Excessive consumption of bottled water leaves a huge carbon footprint through burning fossil fuels to package and transport the products, and contributes to massive plastic waste dumping and pollution in different landfills across the planet.

Thursday 24 July 2014

Providers of Boise Bottled Water Alternatives Support H2O Hydration

Companies offering alternatives to bottled water in Boise and other locales know the benefits of clean, drinking water too well. However, the famous piece of advice that reminds everyone to drink 8 glasses of water per day is not accurately true in our age where scientific research on nutrition has gone much deeper. Experts agree that the amount of water or fluids that an individual should drink varies with their age, weight, health, and other bodily specifics. The benefits of drinking water go beyond what’s mentioned in the excerpt above. One factor (which may appeal to health-conscious individuals) points out that drinking water controls calories. For example, drinking water rather than a diet coke along with a super-sized meal is better, according to weight control expert Barbara Rolls. Indeed, it would be easier for you to lose weight and curb your calorie intake when you choose a refreshing glass of water over a carbonated, high-sugar drink.

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Why Filtered Water is better than Bottled Water for Boise Residents

An effort at waste reduction is not the only reason why water filtration systems prove to be more advantageous than bottled water for Boise residents for their drinking water. Although the FDA regulates companies that sell bottled water through imposed standards, the organization does not directly monitor required quality testing, like what the EPA enforces to tap water distribution facilities. Therefore, bottled water’s purity and cleanliness is not a hundred percent guaranteed. As for price, bottled water expenses can amount from 2 to 2000 times the costs of tap or filtered water. Filtered water is cost-effective since it’s limitless and surely sanitized. This saves money (affordable installation and monthly preventive maintenance over bottled water costs and deliveries), physical efforts (such as having to carry bottled water) and electricity (the advanced system can heat and cool water eliminating the need for other appliances).

Sunday 20 July 2014

Bottled Water for Boise: Drinking for Better Physical & Mental Health

Keeping its focus on the importance of hydrating the body with the tasteless beverage, the article also quotes nephrologist Steven Guest, MD, who notes that “Fluid losses occur continuously, from skin evaporation, breathing, urine, and stool, and these losses must be replaced daily for good health.” As such, it helps to constantly have easy access to drinking water. The mere proximity of a water source can aid in reminding men and women that they need to refuel their bodies with sufficient amounts of the liquid. Locally, bottled water for Boise residents is widely available. This should make it easier for people to pick up the habit of drinking lots of water so that they can receive its many health benefits. Though there are a lot of alternatives that taste relatively better than the colorless beverage, these do not do as much good to the body as water does.

Friday 18 July 2014

Enjoy Safe Drinking Water; Thanks to a Reliable Boise Water Company

Water shortages might be unheard of today, but it can happen. Everyone has to get used to drinking recycled water as early as now, so people can’t afford to be picky when it comes to water. If it bothers them to be drinking straight from the tap, they should at least install a filtration system, courtesy of a trustworthy Boise water company like QH20, to allay their fears. Typically, folks would call for bottled water delivery in Boise to quench their thirsts. While this type of water is certainly cleaner than the kind that comes from a tap, the PET bottles they leave behind as waste are difficult to dispose of, requiring intensive recycling processes. It goes without saying that bottled water, while clean, can be an even bigger problem for the environment.